Kathleen uncovers the effect of beer drinking on red blood cells, she talks about her experience with a 30-day cleanse using herbal tinctures and a raw fruit and vegetable diet. Peter reviews this week’s guest, the guests appearing over the next 3 weeks and our book of the week.
Kathleen’s Deep Dive
Kathleen looks at the effects of beer drinking on the elasticity and flexibility of red blood cells. A study shows that the polyphenols in beer interfere with the lipids in cell membranes. This can affect the ability of red blood cells to navigate capillaries and their ability to transport oxygen. The beer’s alcohol content does not alter the effect as alcohol-free beer produces the same results.
The easy solution is to avoid beer, however, one way to reduce the effect is to consume the supplement NAC before drinking beer.
Read the article at the link below.
This Week’s Health Tip
Kathleen spoke about her experience three weeks into a 30-day cleanse using herbal tinctures from Dr. Morse’s Ultimate Detox Kit and following a diet of raw fruit and vegetables. She explains the transformative power of the Ultimate Detox Kit and fasting program as it guides your body’s natural detoxification process to unclog all channels of elimination, flush toxins from the system, and revitalize the body’s organ systems and functions.
The Ultimate Detox is a 16-week program that includes 9 rotating detoxification formulas, with fasting and lifestyle recommendations.
This Week’s Episodes

Our Guest on Tuesday was Allan Lazaros, Founder, CEO and co-host of the top 100 self-improvement podcast, “Next Level University”. Alan is a business coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker who has dedicated his career to helping others reach their highest potential. Join us as we dive into actionable insights on unlocking your unique potential and striving for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, leader, or someone looking to level up, this conversation is packed with wisdom and strategies you won’t want to miss!
Here are the links to our weekly wrap-up episode on Thursday. Video and audio.
Mentioned On The Show
Alan Lazaros www.nextleveluniverse.com
Elli Leclair ellileclair@gmail.com
Kevin Palmieri kevin@nextleveluniverse.com
Dr. Mike Debord https://b3sciences.com/
Dr. Mercola article on beer and blood
Dr. Morse’s herbal detox kit. (Use coupon YakkingShow)
Next Week’s Guest
Next week’s guest will be Elli LeClair, a Registered Nurse with five decades of experience in ICU and Emergency Care. She will join us to talk about Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia.. Elli’s compassion for the elderly has led her to dedicate herself to educating the public about Alzheimer’s and Dementia, a cause close to her heart due to her family’s personal journey with this challenging disease. Join us as we delve into Elli’s insights on caring for dementia patients, her passion for elder care, and her mission to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s. Whether you’re a caregiver, a healthcare professional, or simply seeking to understand more about this disease, Elli’s experience and wisdom offer invaluable perspectives
Featured Author

This week’s book is Dr. Morse’s “Detox Miracle Source Book”. Dr. Morse appeared on the show in January 2024, here are the video and audio links.
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Hostgator for website hosting.
Podbean for podcast hosting
Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.
Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.