Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Doc Rick Rimler

I had a blast on the Yakking show with Peter and Kathleen talking about my reasons for being holistic, my brand of holistic podiatry, supportive shoes, Doc Rick’s orthotics and my prescription for “Interval Training”. I found them very prepared with excellent questions leading to a lively conversation. I hope I convinced Peter to stop…

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Douglas Mulhall

Among the countless health podcasts out there, it’s refreshing to see one that looks with a practiced eye towards evidence-based links between mind and body health in so many varied disciplines, from public speaking to acupuncture. I’m impressed with Kathleen and Peter’s depth and breadth of knowledge that lets them ask tough and informed questions…

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Jon Arancio

I found it great to book a session on the Yakking Show.  It was easy to get organized, and a pleasure to interact with Kathleen and Peter.  They kept the conversation moving and made it easy for me to just be myself.  Above and beyond that they are organized about the recording and placement on social so it…

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Robin Smart

The hosts of The Yakking Show are wonderful to work with! Professional, organized and so welcoming to their guests. The friendliness and warmth put me at ease immediately, and I felt they had a genuine interest in what I was sharing.  I found the application process very simple, and the scheduling was easy, as it…

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Richard Moran

Being a guest on the Yakking Show was a delight.  Kathleen and Peter were engaging, smart and entertaining.  It is a unique skill to be a good listener and make guests feel comfortable.  The Yakking Show reminded me that interviews can be both fun and informative. Richard A. Moran website Author of Never Say Whatever

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Steph Gillies

Being a guest on the Yakking Show was a great experience! Peter and Kathleen were professional and the conversation felt natural. The show offers great value and stories from a variety of individuals. I would recommend the Yakking show for anyone looking to grow their business or improve their life!   Steph GilliesBusiness & Career

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Dena Adams

I really enjoyed being in the Yakking show with Peter and Kathleen.  They did a great job creating a calm, enjoyable and fun atmosphere.  They asked great questions that offered a lot of value to those listening.  They are very welcoming and made this super easy to show up, be present, and just enjoy our…

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Mia Smithson

I thoroughly enjoyed being a guest on the Yakking podcast. Peter and Kathleen were well-prepared and asked thought-provoking questions that led to deep, meaningful conversations and insights. What a fun podcast to be on! I highly recommend the show and am excited to see its continued growth. Mia’s website – 30K Program

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Crunch Ranjani

I had a great time with Kathleen and Peter on the Yakking Show. They guided the conversation effectively and asked insightful questions that allowed me to share my expertise as a copy+content writer while providing loads of value for their audience. I also loved that they added their own unique perspectives to the topic. Thanks…

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Noah Healy

Peter and Kathleen covered far more ground and with deeper insights than I’ve experienced in a 30-minute interview. They are prepared, professional, engaging, and engaged. And with all of that, it’s still a relaxed and enjoyable time. Visit Noah’s website

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