Kathleen explores the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Peter comments on a hidden danger in teabags, this week’s and future guests and this week’s featured author.
Kathleen’s Deep Dive
Vitamin D is linked to the development of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Taken regularly, it is pivotal in supporting the immune system and significantly improving thyroid health. Vitamin K2 has a synergistic effect with Vitamin D so they should be taken simultaneously.
The article is at the link in the “mentioned On The Show” section below.
This Week’s Health Tip
Kidney Tea is a companion to all Kidney’s & Bladder formulas to assist the kidneys in their natural ability to clean, strengthen and support tissues throughout the urinary tract. Drinking herbal diuretic teas naturally stimulates kidney function without causing mineral depletion.*
Kidney tea showcases natural diuretics parsley, butcher’s broom, juniper and uva ursi, soothing and demulcent marshmallow, and kidney/bladder tonic herbs cordyceps, corn silk and plantain.
All Herbs in our Formulas are Organic, Wildcrafted, or Consciously Cultivated.
This Week’s Episodes
Our guest on Tuesday was Jenny Powers—writer, athlete, scientist, and author of On the Origin of Being. Jenny dives deep into how cultural advancements have far outpaced our biological evolution, leading to modern challenges in health and lifestyle.
Discover how our ancestors’ hunter-gatherer lifestyles and diets supported healthier living, while today’s overconsumption of highly processed foods is taking a toll on our well-being. Jenny also sheds light on the lifestyles of current hunter-gatherer societies, who enjoy shorter work hours and maintain robust health.
Watch the video, listen to the audio or catch both on Spotify.
Here are the links to our Thursday weekly wrap-up episode. Video, audio and Spotify.
Mentioned On The Show
Jenny Powers www.ontheoriginofbeing.com
Professor Keith Ellis www.keithellisphd.com
Dee Mani www.mywaycbd.com
Dr. Mercola Vitamin D & Hashimoto’s article
Next Guest
Our guest on the 4th of February will be: Professor Keith Ellis, Professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a medicinal and organic chemistry scientist with an anti-cancer research program. He is also helping people with Long Covid get on the road to recovery. He will talk to us about Long Covid and what you can do to naturally help mitigate the effects
Featured Author.
This week’s featured author is Tuesday’s guest Jenny Powers with the book she wrote with Luke Comer. – “On The Origin Of Being: Understanding the Science of Evolution to Enhance Your Quality of Life.” The authors explain how our societal and technical evolutions have outpaced our biological evolution and how this contributes to “afflictions of modernity”.
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Support our previous guests who we have chosen to represent:
Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Club Remedies https://bit.ly/3Oc2J8L
Science Driven Supplements – Circuguard & OxyBoost https://bit.ly/3VPzsV8
BAM Metrics Exercise Equipment https://bit.ly/3SMnZom
B3 Sciences BFR bands https://bit.ly/4g9HmzV
Chatterboss Virtual Assistants https://bit.ly/3Obmzlb
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