Inspired Grief, Endometriosis & Ovarian Cancer

This week we had a guest who spoke about her grief after the death of her husband and how her life has progressed. Kathleen explored a frightening health issue you should know about – ovarian cancer – and we talked about the guests who will be on the show over the next few weeks.

Health tips.

Kathleen talked about endometriosis and a recent study that found it could quadruple the risk of contracting type 1 ovarian cancer. (link below). 

Our recommended health product and one we both use is Dr. Morse’s Heal All Tea.

Heal-All Tea is for daily general maintenance as it assists the body’s natural detoxification process. Formulated with burdock, dandelion, and slippery elm, Heal-All makes a great digestive tea, but this is just a fraction of the healing potential of this herbal detox blend!

As is the way with all Dr Morse formulas, this tea incorporates herbs aligned to whole-body detoxification and renewal. The Heal-All formula includes butcher’s broom for circulatory support, black walnut and golden seal to promote the removal of unwanted organisms from the gut, and white oak and mullein to astringe interstitial fluid and promote lymphatic flow.
This synergistic herbal complex makes Heal-All Tea a rejuvenating tonic for the body’s tissues and organs, as it promotes waste removal so that tissues can receive fresh nutrients and oxygen to support the healing process

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Heal All Tea

This Week’s Episodes


On Tuesday, our guest was Vicki Paris Goodman, the #1 best-selling author of ‘To Sam, With Love’. Vicki shares her deeply personal journey of losing her beloved husband Sam to cancer in 2019 and how this profound loss unexpectedly opened up a world of possibilities, gratitude, and optimism.

Join us as Vicki discusses a better way to think about loss and God’s plan, offering insights and hope to those who are navigating their own grief. This inspiring conversation is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of love.Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Vicki wrote more about grieving and death in an article for our blog.

In Thursday’s weekly wrap-up, Kathleen explored a possible link between endometriosis and uterine cancer. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Mentioned On The Show

Vicki Goodman

Erica Hoke

Blanca Rodriguez

DJ Kadagian (part 2)

Link to article on endometriosis

Next Week’s Guest

Our guest next Tuesday will be Erica Hoke a renowned author, publisher, and holistic fertility coach. Erica is at
the forefront of guiding women through their infertility journey using holistic
methods that aim to improve not just physical health, but also mental,
emotional, and environmental well-being. In this interview, Erica looks at the
reasons for infertility becoming a major problem. She shares her insights on
natural methods to increase fertility, providing invaluable advice and
strategies for women looking to improve their chances of conceiving. Erica has
valuable advice for men too.

Featured Author

Our featured author this week is Tuesday’s guest, Vicki Paris Goodman with her book “To Sam With Love”, A Surviving Spouse’s Story of Inspired Grief.

Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes

Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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