Heal Yourself With Natural Healing – Sarah Dawkins

I was raised by a Nurse in the medical model and went on to become a nurse myself. I believed that when we are sick, we need a doctor and medication to get well. However, my turning point was at the age of forty-one, when a nurse colleague challenged me about the role of medicines versus the ability of our own bodies for natural healing.

I was shocked but started to do some research to try and understand what they were talking about. I discovered that if we support our bodies to function optimally, we can heal much more efficiently.

I started to change my lifestyle and made better food choices. As I did, I started to heal the psoriasis, acid reflux and eczema that had plagued me for years. I was seeing direct results from the small changes I was making in my life. I continued researching and found there was so much more to healing than I first thought.

I went on to heal chronic pain, candida, and Bulimia Nervosa too.

My own healing started causing me challenges in my role as a nurse because I was healing without medication at home but in the hospital, I was telling patients to take medications. 

Just before I was 50, I spiralled into a deep dark depression with suicidal thoughts, my thyroid became underactive and I burnt out my adrenal glands (my blood pressure dropped from 120/70 to 80/40, and stayed there for several years), with all the stress I had been under. My doctor wanted to medicate me, but I didn’t want them. I believed I could heal myself further, but I had no idea what I was going to do.

As dark as my world seemed, twice a day, every day, I had to go outside and walk our two dogs. Looking back, I believe this was a part of my healing journey. One day on their walk, I remember realising there were buds on the trees and I could hear birds singing. My dark days were becoming a little lighter.

I then started looking for things to be thankful for, a tiny bit of blue sky in the clouds, flowers in the grass, children playing and laughing in the street. Without knowing it, I was being mindful and practicing gratitude.

natural healing
Image by Ramit De from Pixabay

As I was starting to feel a little lighter, I started meditating. Initially only for five minutes a day, meditating on finding peace within myself. As time went on, I started meditating for longer periods of time, thinking about what I would like to do in my future and building that picture in my mind’s eye.

I left my job in the hospital, took classes to learn how to be an entrepreneur and set up my first business. I had meditated on becoming an award-winning entrepreneur and that’s where I found myself, winning a local and national award for my work. Although I loved my work, I was still a nurse and needed my registration. This was playing heavily on my mind as I had to upkeep the standards of the medical model, which I was so conflicted about since healing myself.

Natural Healing

I healed the depression, my thyroid and eventually my adrenal glands, myself without any medications. I decided that I could no longer remain registered as a nurse, so I trained to be a coach, to help other people to heal themselves too. It was during my coach training that I realised a huge part of healing our mind and body involves healing our past.

I started writing about my own natural healing, to help others to see it is possible. I then decided to expand and cover many people’s healings, from a range of conditions. My book Heal Yourself was born. It is my own and seventy-four other’s healing journeys, some from conditions doctors diagnosed as lifelong and life-threatening and said cannot be healed. Heal Yourself is now translated into four languages currently, to help more people across the world.

I went on to start a podcast too, called Heal Yourself with Sarah Dawkins, to continue sharing the message that our bodies heal when we support them. This was (and still is to some extent) very challenging for me as I had severe camera anxiety. Still, the message is important, so it had to be done.

My message to you is that we can heal ourselves, our bodies heal. Myself and all the people in my book and on my podcast are testament to it. We all share what we did to heal ourselves, so that others can try what worked for us.

Believe in your innate ability for natural healing. Your body knows what to do and does it better when you support it.

Sarah Dawkins BSc. MSc. AMC.


Sarah is a Holistic Health and Healing Coach, Keynote Speaker, the Author of HEAL YOURSELF, a podcast host, multi-award winning Entrepreneur and previously, she was a Registered Nurse for twenty years.

She has extensive experience in health and healing from naturally self-healing a multitude of health issues and through her work as a Registered Nurse.

Sarah supports clients to find and heal the root cause of their health problems, thereby improving their health and ultimately their lives. 


Web: www.sarahdawkins.com

Email: sarah@sdessentialhealth.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahdawkins

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dawkinsse

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah.dawkins.health

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dawkins_sarah

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SarahDawkinsEssentialHealth

Course: https://sarahdawkinshealyourself.teachable.com/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healyourselfsarahdawkins

and https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heal-yourself-with-sarah-dawkins/id1670856549

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