10 Essential Oils To Change Your Life

This post about the benefits to your health from aromatherapy and essential oils is by Virginia Joy Musacchio of Stillpoint Aromatics. Joy was our guest in episode 327. Watch the video or listen to the audio.


When two systems vibrate at the same frequency, resonance occurs. Think of tuning forks: when struck, they vibrate, which can cause another tuning fork, tuned to the same frequency, to vibrate, too. This universal concept applies to us—our bodies and emotions.

The Body’s Vibrational Energy

We are vibrational beings as well as physical beings. In fact, it is my belief all maladies begin in the vibrational realm. This imbalance comes from deep within the subconscious and eventually will affect us either emotionally or physically. Aromatherapy is one natural remedy that can assist us in regaining balance.

Essential oils and extracts are magical alchemy in a bottle. Their powers reach far beyond their chemical components and therapeutic properties. They are so effective at affecting our emotional state and can change how we feel almost instantly.

Finding Resonance: Trust Your Nose

One of the most important aspects of using essential oils is knowing which ones resonate with your system. The best way to choose your oil is to smell it. If you smell an essential oil and your immediate reaction is a resounding “HELL YES,” then your system needs that oil. On the other hand, if the smell is a “HELL NO,” it means your system does not need that oil at this time. This resonance can change as your healing progresses, so it’s important to re-evaluate your preferences periodically.

Trust Your Instincts: Some Essential Oils to Consider

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • Benefits for the Body: Lavender works wonders in soothing skin irritations and burns while also promoting a good night’s sleep. Its key components, linalool and linalyl acetate, possesses calming properties.
  • Emotional well-being: Lavender is my choice for relaxation and reducing anxiety. It influences the system, helping to alleviate stress and tension.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Lavender is linked to the heart chakra, enhancing balance and inner peace. It aids in finding tranquility and boosting well-being.

Lemon (Citrus limon)

  • Physical Benefits: Lemon oil boosts the system due to its antibacterial properties. The presence of limonene adds purifying effects to this oil.
  • Emotional Rewards: Lemon oil enhances clarity and combats feelings of sluggishness and fatigue. It uplifts spirits and nurtures an outlook.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Lemon oil brings a sense of lightness and purification, clearing away energies to support growth.

Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum)

  • Physical Benefits: Helichrysum is renowned for its ability to rejuvenate the skin and reduce inflammation. Its key components, neryl acetate, and italidione, contribute to tissue regeneration and healing.
  • Emotional Benefits: This oil helps release trauma and emotional barriers, boost resilience, and aid in wound healing.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Helichrysum facilitates healing and personal transformation. It aligns with the plexus chakra, enhancing strength and spiritual expansion.
essential oils

German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

  • Physical Benefits: German Chamomile is best known for its anti-inflammatory qualities and is skin healing and also great for allergies. It contains chamazulene and bisabolol, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and calming effects.
  •  Emotional Benefits: This oil is great for calming the mind, lowering stress levels, easing anxiety, and creating a feeling of relaxation. It is one of the best oils to use for sleeplessness.
  • Spiritual Benefits: German Chamomile brings a sense of tranquility and healing, assisting in harmony and spiritual wellness.

Rose (Rosa damascena)

  • Physical Benefits: Rose oil is renowned for its skin-rejuvenating properties and anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to compounds like citronellol and geraniol.
  • Emotional Benefits: Rose oil’s scent can lift spirits, reduce feelings of sadness, and encourage love, kindness, and emotional well-being.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Rose oil, associated with the heart chakra, promotes love and compassion while supporting development and emotional balance.

Fragonia (Agonis fragrans)

  • Physical Benefits: Fragonia has antimicrobial properties and supports respiratory health. It contains pinene and cineole, which are known for their immune-boosting effects.
  • Emotional Benefits: Fragonia helps release emotional blockages and supports inner peace. It promotes emotional balance and harmony.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Fragonia aligns the chakras and promotes energetic harmony. It supports spiritual cleansing and healing.

Frankincense sacra (Boswellia sacra)

  • Physical Benefits: Supports respiratory health and soothes the respiratory tract, easing symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling and pain in muscles and joints, and promotes skin regeneration for treating scars, wounds, and wrinkles.
  • Emotional Benefits: Reduces stress and anxiety by promoting feelings of peace and relaxation. It aids in lowering heart rate and blood pressure and helps combat depression and hopelessness by encouraging mindfulness and introspection.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Enhances meditation and spiritual practices by purifying and clearing the mind. Balances the third eye and crown chakras, fostering spiritual growth and development, and creates an atmosphere of reverence and inner peace for spiritual rituals.

Agarwood (Aquilaria subintegra)

  • Physical Benefits: Agarwood supports respiratory health and reduces inflammation. It contains agarospirol and jinkohol, which have calming and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Emotional Benefits: Agarwood calms the mind and enhances emotional resilience. It supports emotional stability and reduces stress levels.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Agarwood is associated with endings and new beginnings, representing death and rebirth. It promotes meditation and spiritual awareness, connecting deeply with the soul and enhancing spiritual growth and inner peace.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron anthopogon)

  • Physical Benefits: Rhododendron aids respiratory health and soothes muscle pain. It contains pinene and limonene with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Emotional Benefits: Rhododendron supports emotional release and stability. It helps alleviate emotional tension and stress.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Rhododendron enhances spiritual growth and protects the aura. It clears and protects the energetic field, supporting spiritual well-being.

Violet Leaf (Viola odorata)

  • Physical Benefits: Violet Leaf soothes skin irritations and has anti-inflammatory properties. It contains salicylic acid, which helps reduce redness and swelling (
  • Emotional Benefits: Violet Leaf promotes emotional calm and helps reduce anxiety. It supports emotional healing and fosters a sense of tranquility.
  • Spiritual Benefits: Violet Leaf resonates with the heart chakra, enhancing emotional openness and spiritual connection. It promotes inner peace and spiritual well-being.

Case Study: Essential Oils And Emotional Pain

One of my clients, who was going through a period of intense emotional pain, found great relief in trusting herself and her sense of olfaction. She started by smelling several oils from the list above. Through this process, she felt a “HELL YES” reaction to three oils: German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), and Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum). By incorporating these oils into her daily routine—diffusing them, applying them topically with a carrier oil, and using an inhaler aka aroma stick—she experienced a profound shift in her emotional body.

Case Study: Maggie the Poodle

Rennie, one of my clients, uses essential oils of Violet Leaf Essential Oil (Viola odorata), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Fragonia (Agonis fragrans), and Frankincense (Boswellia sacra) to help her poodle, Maggie, who suffers from fear and separation anxiety. Maggie chose these oils via self-selection, demonstrating how animals’ know exactly what they need. By letting Maggie smell the oils one by one and then missing her with Rose Hydrosol (Rosa damascena), Rennie noticed a significant improvement in Maggie’s behavior and overall well-being.

essential oils

Using essential oils to shift your vibration is really quite simple and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. By incorporating these oils into your daily routine and trusting your sense of smell to guide you, you can achieve greater balance, harmony, and well-being.

If you’re interested in further exploring the world of essential oils, I invite you to join me for an in-depth study and hands-on experience. Discover how these amazing oils can transform your life, one drop, one vibration, and one thought at a time.

About Virginia Joy

For over 36 years, Virginia Joy aka Joy has been teaching, initially as an elementary school teacher teaching 5th grade in New York. She loved her kids.  While teaching in New York, V. Joy worked in conjunction with Columbia University, training teachers in her district on “How to Teach writing.”

In 2004 she founded Stillpoint Living In Balance, an Energetic and Massage practice in Sedona,  where she combined her expertise in energy medicine, aromatherapy, and massage to create holistic healing sessions for her clients. 

In 2010 she founded Stillpoint Aromatics, where she imports over 350 organic, wild-harvested and biodynamically farmed essential oil and extracts worldwide.  Concurrently, V Joy teaches Aromatherapy Certification and Certificate Programs (both beginner and advanced) on subjects ranging from Internal Usage, Energetic, and Esoteric Usage to Aromatics and Pets.   She also teaches monthly Spotlight, and Deep Dive Classes, a killer Mystery School …. and all are on zoom!  

She has been published in numerous Aromatherapy journals and has spoken at many National Aromatherapy conferences.  She holds a certification in Compassionate Care Bereavement counseling, where she assists people dealing with catastrophic, traumatic grief and abuse.  

Currently, She is busy teaching, distilling, importing, consulting with people and pets, and writing her first book. Joy’s passion and purpose are to help people and pets integrate, transform and “heal” one drop, one thought, and one vibration at a time.

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