What Killed Napoleon? Stomach Cancer!

Stomach cancer killed Napoleon. Kathleen spoke about stomach cancer being the fifth most common type of cancer, factors that may cause it, symptoms and how to reduce the chances of suffering from it.  

This week’s recommended health product is Dr. Morse’s Kidney Tea, which assists the kidneys in their natural ability to clean, strengthen and support tissues throughout the urinary tract. Drinking herbal diuretic teas naturally stimulates kidney function without causing mineral depletion. Kidney tea showcases natural diuretics parsley, butcher’s broom, juniper and uva ursi, soothing and demulcent marshmallow, and kidney/bladder tonic herbs cordyceps, corn silk and plantain.

All Herbs in our Formulas are Organic, Wildcrafted, or Consciously Cultivated.

stomach cancer

This Week’s Episodes

On Tuesday we published episode 319 with guest Aundrea Sides, an intuitive expert and luminary in the field of psychic mastery. Join us as Aundrea shares her mission to liberate people from the deep-rooted trauma of their childhoods, offering insights into how these early experiences shape our lives and how we can overcome them. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

In our Thursday weekly wrap-up episode, we spoke about stomach cancer (link below) and guests in the next episodes. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Mentioned on the show

 Aundrea Sides  https://www.vitalityunleashed.live

Nancy Becher  https://invisiblewarriors.org

Andy Kozlowski https://zcal.co/goldenllama/connection

Kelle Sparta  https://kellesparta.com

Stomach cancer article in Epoch Times

This week, we published short clips from recent episodes. You may have seen them on X (twitter), YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn. We are using a new app “Spikers Studio” to create these shorts, it is quick and easy to use. Give it a try if you are looking to create your short clips.

Next Week’s Guest

In next week’s episode, we dive deep into the world of chronic and autoimmune diseases with Nancy Becher, an advovate for women with Chronic and Autoimmune Disease, and #1 International Best Selling Author. As the founder and president of Invisible Warriors, Nancy is on a mission to educate and inform the public, government, medical and travel industries about ongoing invisible illnesses. Join us as we discuss women’s resiliency in the face of health challenges that often lead to feelings of unworthiness and isolation.

Featured Author


This week’s featured author is Dr. Fayne Frey from episode 308 with her book “ The Skincare Hoax: How You’re Being Tricked into Buying Lotions, Potions & Wrinkle Cream”.

p.s. Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes

Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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