Why Your Teeth Are SECRETLY Connected To Vitamin D?

Kathleen investigates the correlation between lack of Vitamin D3 and tooth decay. Peter talks about lifestyle factors affecting longevity, future guests, our featured author and an exercise aid.
#toothdcay #cavities #vitamind3
Dee Mani https://mywaycbd.com/?ref=2828
Scott Bukow http://www.mybrainmechanic.com
Thea Trussler http://www.petassistancetraining.com
Dr. Mike Debord episode 425
Dr. Mike Debord’s B3 BFR Bands
Dr. Mercola Vitamin D3 & Tooth Cavities
Ageing article Lifestyle & Environmental Factors
The Yakking Show is brought to you by Peter Wright & Kathleen Beauvais
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MyWayCBD https://bit.ly/4jFzmd0
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B3 Sciences BFR bands https://bit.ly/4g9HmzV
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