Phil Johnson – Emotional Intelligence – Premium

A one-hour discussion with Phil Johnson founder of The Master of Business Leadership Executive Program including his slideshow and transcript. Formerly reserved for Premium members, now released for all viewers.
Check out Phil’s MBL here.
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01:50 Phil’s background
03:45 Slideshow starts
04:51 Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EI)
06:14 EI is 400 % more valuable than IQ
07:15 Reaction to change
08:50 The Amygdala
11:28 Connecting the dots puzzle
13:30 Our paradigm – belief system
17:11 We see things as we are, not as they are
18:12 Reticular Activation System
20:40 Our habits
23:32 The sand wasp study
25:40 Start with a vision of a desired result
28:30 The sources of motivation
31:30 Journey for getting better results
38:26 Penny Doubling Example
41:00 Emotions
42:10 Levels of employee engagement
47:00 EI in education
48:55 Ego
56:30 Drama, chaos & conflict
58:00 Organizational change
01:00:00 The MBL Program

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