Jimmy Burroughes: From Corporate Burnout to Work-Life Balance – EP 284

In our latest episode of The Yakking Show Business Channel, we had the privilege of interviewing Jimmy Burroughes, the remarkable founder and CEO of JBL, and a published author. Jimmy’s inspiring journey from the cutthroat corporate world to becoming a dedicated advocate for work-life balance is a must-watch!

Jimmy shares some staggering research that highlights the alarming prevalence of burnout in today’s fast-paced world, and the crucial steps to combat it.

Don’t miss this insightful conversation on #WorkLifeBalance and #CorporateWellness. #TheYakkingShow #Burnout #JBL

Jimmy’s website  https://jimmyburroughes.com

The Yakking Show is brought to you by Peter Wright & Kathleen Beauvais
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01:30                     Work Life Balance

03:15                     Leaders are underskilled at leading

04:40                     Data overload

09:40                     How Jimmy is different from other coaches

11:50                     Facilitation

13:20                     Most of us are addicted to dopamine

14:40                     73% of employees are disengaged

17:40                     First steps

20:20                     38 element customer programmes

24:30                     Complexity

26:20                     Vertical jumps on leadership skills

28:50                     Success Secrets

31:05                     Jimmy’s book

31:50                     Contact Jimmy.

Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.
Hostgator for website hosting.
Podbean for podcast hosting
Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.
Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes
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