Exploring Near-Death Experiences with DJ Kadagian | EP 326 – audio

In this thought-provoking episode of the Yakking Show, we’re excited to welcome back DJ Kadagian, an award-winning documentary filmmaker and best-selling author. With over 120 film festival features worldwide, DJ’s work has delved into some of the most pressing issues of our time, including socioeconomic disparities, race relations, religion, spirituality, alternative healing, and poetry.

Today, DJ returns to the Yakking Show to take a deeper dive into the mysteries of near-death experiences (NDEs). We explore the profound insights, spiritual awakenings, and life-altering transformations that NDEs often bring. Whether you’re curious about the science, spirituality, or personal stories behind these experiences, this episode offers a compelling discussion that you won’t want to miss! http://www.nde-central.com  http://www.crossoverexperience.com

The Yakking Show is brought to you by Peter Wright & Kathleen Beauvais
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01:40                     What is a NDE?

08:50                     NDERF – 1000s of cases

13:00                     Only see predeceased friends

15:10                     No pre-deceased spouses seen

19:10                     Common elements

20:00                     65% of NDEs have an out-of-body element

23:00                     Able to recall in great detail

24:00                     Feelings of peace and love

25:50                     The tunnel

27:50                     Scary noises

28:40                     51% met spiritual beings

30:30                     Many see Jesus

33:40                     Religious, Spiritual & Atheist

35:40                     Spiritual beings surrounded by light

36:50                     No criticism or guilt

38:50                     No judgement

41:10                     Going back

46:00                     Coma & NDEs

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Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes
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