Kathleen’s Deep Dive Into Intermittent Fasting & Erica on Natural Fertility

Intermittent fasting is the focus of Kathleen’s deep dive this week. Our Tuesday episode with guest Erica Hoke a natural fertility expert and news of guests coming in the next four weeks.

Kathleen’s Deep Dive

Kathleen explored an article on the benefits of intermittent fasting and why this practice has become popular. One study found the most benefit from fasting for two non-consecutive days each week. Intermittent fasting may not be advisable for you if you have certain health conditions and may be less suitable for women than men.

Peter commented on his experience of one 24-hour fast per week.

Our recommended health product of the week is Dr. Morse’s GI Broom which is a powerful herbal laxative and lymphatic puller. It functions to promote the removal of buildup from the intestinal wall using psyllium husk and cascara sagrada, while also stimulating the flow of interstitial fluid from the gut lining into the lymphatic circulation and elimination with the help of chickweed, mullein, plantain, and aloe resin. GI Broom supports the body’s natural cleansing and detoxifying process. The GI Broom should not be consumed within 2 hours of meals, other herbs or supplements.

All Herbs in our Formulas are Organic, Wildcrafted, or Consciously Cultivated.

This Week’s Episodes

Our guest on Tuesday was Erica Hoke a renowned author, publisher, and holistic fertility coach. Erica is at the forefront of guiding women through their infertility journey using holistic methods that aim to improve not just physical health, but also mental, emotional, and environmental well-being. In this interview, Erica looks at the reasons for infertility becoming a major problem. She shares her insights on natural methods to increase fertility, providing invaluable advice and strategies for women looking to improve their chances of conceiving. Erica has valuable advice for men too. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Check out this article “Overcoming Unexplained Infertility” that Erica created for our blog.

Erica Hoke

Our weekly wrap-up video with Kathleen’s health tip and details of future guests was published on Thursday. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Mentioned On The Show

Erica Hoke  www.ericahoke.com

Blanca Rodriguez www.woundedhealer.us

DJ Kadagian (part 2) www.crossoverexperience.com

Joy Musacchio https://www.stillpointaromatics.com/

Link to article on intermittent fasting

Next Week’s Guest

Our guest next Tuesday will be Blanca Rodriguez, a licensed massage therapist and holistic life coach who also specializes in canine massage therapy. Blanca shares her expertise on the benefits of massage for menopausal women, including stress relief, hormone balance, and improved sleep. We also dive into the world of canine massage and how it can enhance the well-being of our furry friends. Don’t miss this informative conversation!

Featured Author

Our featured author is Tuesday’s guest Erica Hoke with a series of four books titled “Infertility Success: Stories of Help and Hope for Your Journey”.

Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes

Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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