Kathleen looks at the link between high blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease. Peter reviews this week’s guest, those who will be on the show in the following weeks and our featured author.
Kathleen’s Deep Dive
High blood pressure increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 42% in untreated cases compared to people without hypertension. Blood pressure damages brain capillaries when elevated, causing blood clots, leakage and restricted blood flow leading to cognitive decline. Vitamin D deficiency increases blood pressure. The article is at the link in the “mentioned On The Show” section below.
This Week’s Health Tip

This week, our recommended product is Dr. Morse’s Heal-All Tea for daily general maintenance as it assists the body’s natural detoxification process. Formulated with burdock, dandelion, and slippery elm, Heal-All makes a great digestive tea, but this is just a fraction of the healing potential of this herbal detox blend!
We both use this product.
This Week’s Episodes.
On Tuesday, our guest was Catherine Corona, an award-winning filmmaker and expert in spirituality and meditation. With a Master’s Degree in Theology, a Doctorate in Spiritual Science, and a counseling certificate in spiritual psychology, Dr. Corona offers profound insights into meditation, the nature of consciousness, and how spirituality shapes our lives. She also shares her experiences creating a documentary on the six major world religions. Watch the video or listen to the audio or get both on Spotify.

Here are the links to our Thursday weekly wrap-up episode. Video and audio.
Mentioned On The Show
Catherine Corona www.soulandspirit.net
Jenny Powers www.ontheoriginofbeing.com
Professor Keith Ellis www.keithellisphd.com
Robin Smart on Alzheimers.
Dr. Mercola Blood Pressure & Alzheimer’s article
Next Week’s Guest
Next week’s guest will be Jenny Powers, a writer, athlete, and scientist who authored the book On the Origin of Being. She will explain how our cultural advancements have entirely outpaced our biological evolution.
Featured Author

This week’s featured author is Dr. Tom Ingegno from episode 329 with his book “The Cupping Book: Unlocking The Secrets of Ancient Healing” an easy-to-read guide on the benefits of this ancient healing technique for pain relief and how it can be used easily and safely at home.
Check out our Facebook group, The Yakking Show Community Forum. This is where our guests and subscribers can engage with each other, ask questions, provide comments and share interesting health tips. Let’s help each other. Join now! Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/480434235068451
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