Two guests featuring an idea grown from a kitchen table into a multi-million $ enterprise & a photographic hobby turned into a successful business and dream lifestyle.
Mentor and Business Sounding Board

Tuesday’s guest in episode 229 was Phil Fraser, a successful entrepreneur who started his business from his kitchen table and sold it for millions. Phil now serves as a sounding board and mentor for business owners and entrepreneurs.
Phil told us how he saw an opportunity after his employer decided against a new business idea and he took a chance and developed it on his own. Starting with no investment and using his kitchen table as an office, he built a highly successful business. After going through the learning curve of hiring staff, expanding and adapting to changes in industry standards, new legislation, and new competitors, Phil sold it to a large corporation.
Instead of retiring, he became a mentor and business sounding board. As an advisor with no direct interest in your business, he can point out both opportunities and threats that you may not see from inside the business. Phil spoke about the importance of narrowly defining your niche, affiliate marketing, and the importance of finding good mentors. Phil’s answer to our Success Secrets question was ” Just Do It” Watch the video or listen to the
audio. Contact Phil via his website Philfraser.co.uk
Travel Photographer Extraordinary

In Episode 230 on Thursday, our guest was Ralph Velasco, founder and operator of multiple successful tour companies, a travel photographer, tour leader, public speaker, and published author. Ralph explained how he turned his fascination with photography and love of travel into a successful business.
Ralph shared his experiences of building and managing two different businesses in the travel industry. He spoke about the challenges of surviving the devastating effect of the lockdown on the travel industry and how the tastes of consumers have changed since the lifting of restrictions. Ralph provides two different travel experiences to exquisite locations for small groups.
Ralph is both a guide for travelers and a mentor to photographers. Here’s the link to the video and the audio. Contact Ralph through his Photographic Enrichment website.
Next Week’s Episodes
On Tuesday next week, we will be publishing episode 231 with the accomplished author, book coach, and ghostwriter Larissa Soehm who will tell us why writing a book can establish you as an authority in your industry.
Thursday’s guest in episode 232 will be award-winning education consultant, keynote speaker, and published author Dr. Kristin Ecclestone who will be talking about neurodiversity in the workplace. Kristin has provided a bonus for our members, an article about neurodiversity which will be published as a blog post next week.
Featured Previous Guest Author

We all need to improve our marketing skills to survive in these interesting times, so this week, we are featuring Mark Schaefer’s book “Belonging To The Brand” Mark is not a previous guest, but he is someone we have followed for many years and he is recognized as one of the most influential marketing leaders in the world.
Latest News
Our Premium
is still open with a special offer for a few more founder members to join. This week, we recorded a brilliant episode for Premium Members. An hour packed with tips and ideas from an expert on using tools to improve your effectiveness and save you time. More details in the next Premium Member’s newsletter. Join today so you don’t miss out on this one.
For three years we have been publishing the audio episodes a day after the video. We did this to increase exposure for our guests by posting links to social media on two consecutive days. This worked well when we only published one episode a week – video on Tuesday, audio on Wednesday. For several months, in line with our strategy of bringing you the widest range of actionable business tips and ideas, we have been publishing two episodes a week. As we don’t want to add to your end-of-week emails on Fridays, we have moved our email newsletter to Thursdays.
These changes mean we could not feature our Thursday guest’s audio episode in the current week’s newsletter. From next week, we will be publishing both video and audio episodes on the same day – Tuesdays and Thursdays.
To add to the promotion of our guests, Kathleen is producing short snippets from the video episodes and posting these to social media during the week that the episodes are published.
Guest’s Blog Posts
It is often difficult for our guests to share enough of their tips and ideas in a 30-minute episode. That is one of the reasons we started the Premium Membership last year. To provide you with even more useful information to help your business, we will be publishing guest articles to this blog. The first will be from Kristin Ecclestone next Thursday. If you are a previous guest and would like to submit a 350 to 1000-word post on your topic – with links back to your website, your author’s bio, and a headshot, we would be happy to publish it.

Dr. Michael Solomon’s special offer to Yakking Show readers for his ENGAGE course is still available. Click on this link “ENGAGE” and use coupon YAK to get a $100 discount off the single payment of $679 or 3PPYAK for $100 off the first of 3 $230 monthly payments.
Clicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.