In 2017, I was told “You have cancer.” I made it my mission to explore, embrace, and share the power of natural healing remedies, particularly cannabis.
This post is by Jeff Patterson our guest on episode 334, here are the video and audio links. Jeff explains why the meditative arts can be the foundation for creating a strong why.
More and more people are turning their attention to facial muscle training, discovering its potential not only for aesthetics but also for overall health.
My turning point at the age of forty-one, a nurse colleague challenged me about the role of medicines versus the ability of our own bodies for natural healing.
Post on gut health is by Lauren Callahan, our guest in episode 331. An endurance athlete who completed 50 & 100 mile ultra marathons & Iron Man triathlons.
This post about how your health can benefit from aromatherapy and essential oils is by Joy Musacchio of Stillpoint Aromatics. Joy was our guest in episode 327
This post’s author is Andy Kozlowski, our guest in episode 321. He spoke about unlocking your subconscious & manifesting your dreams. He writes about thoughts.
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