Branding and outsourcing were the topics for the week’s guests

Tuesday 18 April’s guest for episode 227, was Shaun Sunderland, CEO and Founder of BrandRoots. a company that specializes in branding and building an unshakeable mindset for holistic business owners. Shaun spoke about his experience building a multimillion brand in the alternative health products industry. Shaun spoke about the increasing opportunities for businesses in the “integrated health” sector after the lockdown. He also told us why he now focuses on working with holistic businesses. Shaun’s answer to our question on success secrets was “interrupt negative thoughts and stand into your power.” Watch the video or listen to the
audio. Visit Shaun’s website YourBrandRoots.com for more information.
On Thursday 20 April 2023 our guest for episode 228, was Nickie Cobble, Founder and COO of Outsource Aid. Nickie spoke about the benefits of outsourcing. She helps business owners and entrepreneurs scale their businesses by showing them what can be outsourced. She talks about saving time by outsourcing tasks owners currently do themselves. Nickie’s tip for business owners was to do a time audit; track your time for a day and you will be amazed at how much of your day you spend on routine, low-level tasks that could be done quickly and economically by someone else – a virtual assistant. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Contact Nickie through her website
After the show was recorded, Nickie sent us this short video clip with her answer to our success secrets question. When we asked her which app she used to prepare it, she replied that it was prepared by one of her virtual assistants because it cost less than if she subscribed to an app and spent time doing it herself.
Next Week’s Episode
Our guest on Tuesday next week will be Phil Fraser from the UK with an amazing story of building a startup business from his kitchen table and then selling it for millions. On Thursday, our guest will be Ralph Velasco, founder and operator of tour companies and a travel photographer.
Featured Previous Guest Author
This week we are featuring our guest from a premium episode, (here’s the excerpt) Samantha Stone with her book “Unleash Possible” A marketing playbook that drives B2B sales.

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Becoming a Premium Member gives you access to Premium Content one-hour episodes with our expert guests and transcripts of the interviews. Our Premium
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