April Showers, Intuition, NDEs, and DNA Repair

Spring weather at last in our part of the world. Warmer weather and April showers. How is spring unfolding for you? (or fall/autumn for our southern hemisphere friends). One guest episode this week and our weekly wrap-up episode. We have delayed the Success Secrets 4 episode as editing is taking longer than anticipated. Kathleen has found a report on how you can repair your DNA.

This Week’s Episodes.

Tuesday’s guest in episode 305 was Kim Beam, a beacon of wisdom in intuition coaching, mindfulness, and healing arts. From surviving cancer to mastering the art of tarot and creating the transformative ‘Zen for Teens’ app, Kim’s journey is nothing short of inspirational. Discover the power of True Intuition™, the impact of mindfulness in our daily lives, and the secrets behind effective healing practices. Whether you’re seeking guidance on personal growth, healing, or intuitive development, this episode offers valuable insights for everyone. Dive deep with us into Kim Beam’s world of intuition, mindfulness, and resilience.  Video and audio.

We published our regular weekly wrap-up episode on Thursday. Here is the link for the audio only version.

Mentioned on the show:

Kim Beam www.kimbeam.com

DJ. Kadagian www.Project-Shift.com

DJ’s Near Death Experiences website. www.NDE-Central.com

Epoch Times article on DNA repair

Next Week’s Guest

Award-winning filmmaker and best-selling author DJ Kadagian joins us on The Yakking Show to explore the fascinating realms of near-death experiences and psychedelic psychotherapy. DJ talks about his experiences with Ayahuasca ceremonies in the Amazon jungle and the Sacred Valley in Peru. With his extensive background in documentary filmmaking and a focus on socio-economic issues, race relations, spirituality, and alternative healing, DJ brings unique perspectives to our discussion. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation!

This Week’s Guest Author

Our previous guest author this week is Douglas Mulhall from episode 298, with his book “Discovering The Nature Of Longevity”. In the book, Douglas reveals the common factors that help different groups of people live to over 100

This Week’s Health Tip

As always, we recommend Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Club for natural, herbal remedies and The Wellness Company for holistic health products and services


Spike Support Formula harnesses the power of nattokinase and dandelion root, scientifically proven to block and dissolve spike proteins within your body. This potent formula guards against the effects of COVID, vaccines, and shedding. Nattokinase’s credibility is fortified by endorsements from luminaries like Dr. Peter McCullogh and Dr. Robert Malone

Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notesClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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