When Food Hijacks Your Brain & Massage Benefits For Menopausal Women

When food hijacks your brain is the subject of Kathleen’s deep dive into an important health issue today—this week’s guest Blanca Rodriguez on massage benefits for menopausal women, news of future guests and a herbal health recommendation.

Kathleen’s Deep Dive

This week Kathleen explored the connection between processed foods and eating disorders. She quoted a study that showed rats chose saccharin-sweetened water over cocaine. Processed and sweetened foods are designed to increase dopamine as soon as the food is tasted and again a short while later.


Our heal health product recommendation this week is Dr. Morse’s Parasite Micro, the companion formula to Parasite G. Use Parasite M to support the body’s natural parasite cleanse efforts. This formula is typically pulsed throughout detox protocols to support the body’s natural defenses against deeper seated and recurring internal and topical foreign organism imbalances. It can be taken long term to maintain a healthy, balanced micro-ecosystem.

Black walnut, pau d’arco, clove and olive leaf are included to support the removal of unwanted organisms internally, while barberry, fennel and thyme promote healthy liver function which can in turn help to maintain the integrity of integumentary (skin) barrier function.*

All Herbs in our Formulas are Organic, Wildcrafted, or Consciously Cultivated.

This Week’s Episodes

Our guest on Tuesday was Blanca Rodriguez, a licensed massage therapist and holistic life coach who also specializes in canine massage therapy. Blanca shares her expertise on the benefits of massage for menopausal women, including stress relief, hormone balance, and improved sleep. We also dive into the world of canine massage and how it can enhance the well-being of our furry friends. Don’t miss this informative conversation either on video or audio.

massage benefits

On Thursday in our weekly wrap-up video, Kathleen spoke about the way processed foods “hijack” our brains. Peter commented on this week’s and future guests. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Mentioned On The Show

Blanca Rodriguez www.woundedhealer.us

DJ Kadagian (part 2) www.crossoverexperience.com

Joy Musacchio https://www.stillpointaromatics.com/

Jeff Nelligan  http://www.NelliganBooks.com

Link to article on “When Food Hijacks Your Brain” courtesy Epoch Times

Next Week’s Guest

Our guest next week is DJ Kadagian, returning for an episode about Near Death Experiences (NDEs). DJ is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, and best-selling author. He has been featured at over 120 film festivals around the world.  His innovative and thought-provoking works have focused on socioeconomic issues, race relations, religion and spirituality, alternative healing and poetry.

Featured Author

Our featured author this week is Tuesday’s guest Blana Rodriguez with her book “Impact Leadership” In the author’s words, “ a must-read for those of us who feel trapped and limited by our pasts. Our author’s story—her ups and downs, twists and turns, and surprise dips—will teach you valuable lessons that you can incorporate into your life.”

p.s Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes

Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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