Andy Kozlowski was our guest in episode 321. He spoke about unlocking your subconscious and manifesting your dreams.
The world as it is and what surrounds you have been created by you, consciously or unconsciously.
Your environment is a result of your thoughts and emotions which leads to an understanding that those are tools not only to experience reality but to create reality as well.
So what are thoughts?
Thoughts from a logical point of view is electricity running in your body passing information and sets of instructions from the brain to the body
You see the brain of ours is like a computer in fact you can call it as such it is used to make decisions and analyze data but unlike other computers sit runs on different frequencies which you can use for your benefit if you know how to access different states of the mind.
Once you execute Thought enough times it will become an action and eventually experience that will craft the foundations of the reality that you are currently in.
All experiences are followed by…emotions which Are chemicals released in your veins while you are experiencing an event, if chemicals are released sufficient times the body will get addicted to it and that is why if you put a donut in front of a person that is addicted to sweets yet is trying to lose this habit and you leave that person for ten minutes alone and come back it seems like that person just run a marathon, sweating and overwhelmed.
That Person has been fighting himself and that friction many people label as burnout as this heat created by internal conflict evaporates the fluids of the body.
At this stage you might ask yourself but what does it have to do with me?
People have goals, dreams, things they go after and the faster they go, it seems the more distant the goal becomes as if there is something holding them back and in truth it is.
We all have our demons hidden under the bed that we do not want to confront and those demons keep us in check, that energy holds us down.
By releasing that energy you are propelled into the future and your dreams are manifested organically because you are no longer an enemy of yourself and those lenses through which you have been experiencing reality changed and you realize that the thing you have been searching for so long is right in front of you and always has been.
How to change your Beliefs?
It all starts with awareness, imagine driving a car, if you do not look left and right, front or back, you talk on the phone, do makeup, drink coffee it is only a matter of time before a catastrophe happens, life is no different when I was studying as a monk I have been told that spiritual awareness dissolves karma and karma can be identified as patterns of the mind.
Most people struggle with some form of pattern “that they are not enough” and their brains give them exactly what they think so life gives them experiences to affirm they are not enough it is a never-ending cycle of decreasing self-esteem that not even death will stop.
Yet nothing lasts forever, if you are able to be spiritually awake and conscious of the direction you’re going, the connection between you and the limiting patterns of the mind will slowly dissolve.
If you would like to know more or know more advanced techniques that I’ve learned through this journey that lasted over two decades , book a free discovery call with me https://zcal.co/goldenllama/

I’m Andrzej, Taoist, Sage and a coach for highly sensitive people called empaths and people wanting to let go of what is holding them back .
I have a diverse educational background, delving into psychology, clinical dietetics, personal training, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, Silva Method techniques, career coaching, and business coaching. My quest for sustainable solutions led me to the guidance of mentors like Vipassana teachers, Buddhist monks, Catholic exorcists, shamans, Shaolin monks, and Tao masters.
My Social Media: https://sageandy.com/
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