Hypnosis, MDMA, Scalar Light on This Week’s Show

Our apologies for the late delivery of this week’s newsletter. It’s been an interesting week as you can hear on our weekly wrap-up episode. It lead to an unavoidable delay in preparing this issue. As yesterday was Canada Day, we also delayed the publication of this blog post. Read on for more on hypnosis.

This Week’s Episodes

Our guest on Tuesday was Shana Rosenthal, a leading expert in Hypnosis, NLP, Stress Management, EFT, and Coaching. Discover how Shana’s innovative approach helps individuals break free from self-sabotage, emotional barriers, and fears, leading to profound transformations. In this episode, Shana shares her insights into hypnosis, NLP techniques, and their application in weight management. Watch the video or listen to the audio.

Shana published an article “ From Panic to Power: Hypnosis Can Transform Your Life” on our blog.

Shana Rosenthal

In our weekly wrap-up video on Thursday, we spoke about guests appearing in the next 3 weeks and our health tips.

Link to the audio only version

Mentioned On The Show

Shana Rosenthal www.shanahypnotist.com

Jill Sitnick  www.thejourneysage.com

Tom Paladino  www.scalarlight.com

Patrick Eilers www.northpoint-counseling.com/

Epoch Health article on Cancer killer cells (link below)

Next Week’s episode.

Next week on Tuesday, our guest will be Jill Sitnick, a PTSD survivor who now dedicates her life to helping others demystify psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Jill shares her transformative journey and the powerful role MDMA played in her healing process. Tune in to discover strategies for overcoming trauma and learn how psychedelic therapy can be a beacon of hope for those struggling with PTSD.

Featured Guest Author

This week’s featured guest author is DJ Kadagian from episode 306 with his book “Rumi For Kids – And The Young At Heart”. An introduction to poems and quotes to learn and grow from.

Health Tips

Kathleen spoke about fasting and how it can boost the cancer-fighting ability of natural killer cells.Link to the article on Epoch Health.

This week’s recommended health product is Dr. Morse’s Ultimate Salve.  A synergistic blend of high quality, organic, nourishing oils and top-quality herbs, this salve blows away the competition when it comes to strength and quality. You can see the difference—our Ultimate Salve features a deep green colour showing the strongest herb-to-oil concentrations possible!

Here are some of the tools we use to produce this podcast.

Hostgator for website hosting.

Podbean for podcast hosting

Airtable for organizing our guest bookings and automations.

Audio Pen for transcribing voice notes

Spikers Studio for video editingClicking on some links on this site will let you buy products and services which may result in us receiving a commission, however, it will not affect the price you pay.

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